In early 2022, the BBC announced the long-awaited final season of the hit show, Peaky Blinders. With this momentous conclusion in mind, The BBC approached us with the idea of creating a mural to encapsulate the popular programme and reveal the final air date of Season 6 on BBC iPlayer.
To create the mural in time for the impending reveal date, we enlisted the help of Akse to paint the 40ft+ tall image of Tommy Shelby right in the heart of Birmingham, where the show is set!
Given Peaky Blinders is set in the mean streets of Birmingham in the 1900’s, High Street Digbeth was the clear choice. As a central location with over 500,000 cars and 150,000 pedestrians passing the wall every month, the positioning of this mural was destined to garner a lot of media attention.
To make the most of the mural’s big reveal, we staggered painting across 9 days, obscuring the wall throughout the process. Slowly concealing and revealing key parts of the mural until the unveiling on the 15th February 2022. We then created engaging digital content to document this monumental reveal, to amplify this activity further.
This campaign was wildly successful, not only with fans of the show, but press online.
This incredible location in Digbeth also tapped into a deeper cultural sentiment. With onlookers, both IRL and URL, paying homage to the site as the home of the Peaky Blinders. To some extent the mural built an existential bridge for the show, putting High St Digbeth on the map as a tourist spot.
In total this mural was featured in 26 articles, and received coverage Portugal, Germany, Spain and Greece.
The social video of the mural went on to receive over 2.74 million views and over 780k likes.